On Friday, don’t forget to pick up your copy of The Park Slope Paper. Now with free delivery, those papers are all over the streets, the stoops, the sidewalks of Park Slope. And don’t go throwing them away like they’re some kind of garbage. You’d be throwing a part of me away.

And I resent that.

If you want free delivery so that you can read Smartmom and stay up to date on everything Brooklyn,  email them and tell them where you live. That’s all you’ve got to do.

If you like to pick it up, get it at Key Food, Ozzie’s, Cousin Johns…lots of other places too.

Tomorrow, SMARTMOM follows up on her Valentine’s Day story. What happened that Tuesday night at the Marriott? Did she and Hepcat even make it to the Marriott? How much will she say?

All that and more. Insights galore and even some sexy stuff.