Dear Vacation Diary, We’re approaching the home stretch now. OSFO was pretty pooped today after sleepover #2.  She stayed up until 2 a.m. and woke up real early.

Mid-morning, we joined Diaper Diva at the Tea Lounge, where there was supposed to be a kiddie sing-a-long. The performer didn’t show. But we hung out anyway. The place was packed with toddlers, older kids, WiFi-ers, students, parents. A mish mash of a scene.

OSFO joined me in my office and made xerox copies of a comic book she drew this morning.

In the evening, she went with a friend to Word Sprouts, the reading series at the Park Slope Food Coop. Tonight: a special bedtime story night with cookies and milk. The kids were told to come in their PJ’s.

On American Idol, we watched Bobbi Bennett (Mr. Copacabana) learn that he got the lowest number of votes from America.

So tired, so sleepy. One more day of vacation left.  And she better look at the study book for that math standardized test she has to take when she gets back to school next week…