OttoI ran into Nancy Soyer, someone I went to high school with, and told her abot the 30th reunion that is being planned. She’s from a younger class, but we’re inviting people from other classes as well.

She seemed happy to hear about the reunion and I expect that she’ll want to attend.  I asked for her e-mail and she handed me her card which had a portrait of a dog on it. A really, really cool painting of a dog.

I used to run into Nancy all the time in Park Slope because she was a dog walker around here. "I haven’t seen you in ages," I said. She told me that she’s primarily painting now.

I was really happy to hear that because she’s a very talented painter and her paintings are — gorgeous.

Nancy will do a custom portrait of your dog. She’s obviously quite busy doing them because her web site is filled with paintings of dogs. In addition to the portraits, she sells prints and notes cards. Check out her site if you’re interested.

On her web site, there were these bits of biographical-info: Nancy studied with Marshall Glasier and Julian Levy at the Art Students’ League. In addition, she has trained with Marianne Reynolds and Lydia Riojas. In the winter of 2002, a group of Soyer’s drawing were included in a Moses Soyer show at the Ridderof Martin Gallery of Mary Washington College in Virginia. Her work has also been exhibited at the Phoenix Gallery and Art Students League in New York, and the Feral Art Gallery in Brooklyn. Her paintings and drawings are found in many private collections.

Great to see you Nancy.