The New York City Public Schools adopted a new schedule today. Classes now commence at 8:40 a.m. instead of 8:30. School is out at 3:00 p.m. There will be special tutoring for children in academic need until 3:37 and a half.

Those extra ten minutes are like a godsend. We usually get to school about ten minutes late so…

It’s a gift really. Classes start at 8:40 rather than 8:30. Woo hoo. YAY. The trick is not to think about it too much. We’re just going to pretend it’s the same old schedule. Get up at the same time, make lunch, have some cereal, pack the backpacks, leave the house…

That way, we’ll be on time. Yeah, that’s the ticket. Just put the new start time out of our heads. Pretend it’s the same old schedule (it’s 8:30, really it’s 8:30, really it’s 8:30…)

Daughter, the impeccably fashionable one,  had extra time to preen. She put on an interesting combination of her new clothing from Target. The black and white spotted pants, the t-shirt that says, "YOU CAN KEEP MY BROTHER," the green camouflage jacket.

"That’s quite an outfit you’ve got on today," her brother  told her. "I like your Dalmatian print pants." he added..
"They’re not Dalmatian print pants." she replied.
"Then what are they?" he asked.
"I don’t know. STOP BOTHERING ME." she said.
"Oh I know," he said. "They’re leopard spot. You’re wearing leopard spot pants. Nice with the green camouflage."

Unfazed, she continued to brush her hair. "No one’s going to be able to see you today," Husband said, referring to her animal and camouflage prints."

Luckily, Daughter has an unflappable sense of style.