My son knew before I did that there was no school on two days this week: Election Day and Veteran’s Day.

"Omigod," I screamed when I finally looked at the school calendar that hangs in our kitchen. "Did you know that you have two days off…" I didn’t need to finish…

"I know. We’re off on Tuesday and Friday,"  he said with a big smile on his face.

What a week. Three days in. Two days out. That’s what my son considers one cool week of school.

And for parents it’s a bit of a challenge. Child care arrangements and playdates must be set up for the 8-year-old. Limits must be set for the teenager.

Monday night was like a Saturday night on Seventh Avenue. Crowds of teenagers were walking up and down the Avenue doing whatever it is they do. There were bunches of them in front PS 321, Artisana and Maggie Moo’s. I saw my son sitting in the front booth at Pino’s with about eight other kids. His back was to the window.

Tap. Tap. Tap. His friends saw me before he did. They tried to get his attention but he was laughing, talking, poking a girl who was lying on his lap. Hmmmmmm.

We finally made eye contact. I pointed at my watch as if to say, "Look at the time. Be home in an hour."  He nodded. "Okay," he mouthed.

It was a strange moment. He wasn’t exactly caught in the act (the act of what?). But I did see him at Pino’s. With his friends. Having fun.

Why did it feel so illicit?

Election Day he’s sleeping late. Nothing like a Tuesday without school. A great way to catch up on some zzzzzzzzzz’s when you’re too young to vote, coming into your own, being a teenager in Park Slope.