2cbw2373_2It was a slow motion kind of day: what it must be like in Louisanna or Alabama. Mint Julip weather. Lemonade or a tall glass of ice water kind of day. All sultry and sweaty; perfect for swinging on a porch swing in Savannah.

We in Brooklyn know how to slow down. If we have to. It’s funny to be so lazy, so slow, going about the day with such effort.

It was too hot to move. No, you couldn’t go too fast on this kind of day. Heat advisory in effect: stay home if you’re very old. Stay home if you’re very young, or prone to heat exhaustion. Stay hydrated. Being wet is your best bet on this humid, humid day.

No one felt like eating. Dusk found us outside, catching what little breeze there was. I brought out a box of Breyer’s checkerboard ice cream. Chocolate and vanilla and lots of spoons. My daughter and her friend used the dragon pool next door. No one seemed to mind. Everyone was inside – staying air conditioner cool.

Fully clothed, my daughter and her friend splashed and jumped and dived into the dragon pool. My daughter got herself so cold she had to go upstairs for a hot bath. A hot bath on such a steamy day.

Can you imagine?

It was the kind of day that made you feel accomplished for just getting from one place to the next. Drinking cold water. Turning on the air.  A slow motion kind of day. Funny to be so lazy, so slow, going about the day with such effort.