2cbw2851Apparently, the strong outcry for Mojo and Connecticut Muffin from some OTBKB readers really got to food writer, Paul Leshen, who left his apartment at approximately 5 p.m. on Friday afternoon to see what all the fuss was about.  But not before he posted this on OTBKB.
OK, OK…I’m on my way to Mojo. I’ll drink a half cup of coffee from Mojo and half cup from Connecticut Muffin. My apologies for leaving them off the list…I’ll have to make it over to Prospect Heights as well. Remember, coffee is often a matter of personal taste; many people prefer Dunkin’ Donuts coffee to the strong, locally roasted stuff at Gorilla.

Some of my favorite coffee places are outside the neighborhood, including Atlas and Gimme Coffee in Williamsburg, Fall Cafe in Carroll Gardens, and Joe on Waverly in the Village, which has what I believe to be the best drip coffee in NYC. More later!"

Clearly, our man Paul takes his job writing for OTBKB seriously. At 6:17 p.m. Paul sent this missive after sipping coffee at both the Mojo and Conn Muff, as it’s sometimes called in these parts.

"I’m back. And high on caffeine. Congrats, OTBKB. You’re right…I approached Mojo with the same trepidation as George did, and came away similarly impressed. They have great coffee. They’re at least in the top three on the list now. I gave Connecticut Muffin another shot, and I think they’re headed south in the rankings.

"Heights Coffee Lounge, on Flatbush Avenue, uses Kobricks Coffee, which has improved a bit over the years, but is still not very strong or distinct tasting. Seems like a good place to hang out and surf the web."

Later, when I spoke to Paul on the phone he said, "I really owe you an apology! Mojo is the second or third best coffee in the Slope." I was pleased that Paul and I are on the same page when it comes to coffee. My husband hates the coffee there and schleps all the way to Conn Muff for a Hazelnut iced coffee or an expresso, which he says is top- notch.

Clearly, making lists can get you in lots of trouble. But it’s a great way to get readers involved. Because EVERYONE has opinions about coffee in Park Slope. That’s for sure.

When I first read Paul Leschen’s list of Slope coffee spots, I was
surprised, if not dumbfounded, that he left off two OTBKB faves: Connecticut Muffin and Mojo. I e-mailed our intrepid food reporter and he responded by same. "I guess I should amend it to include Connecticut Muffin after Ozzie’s," Leschen wrote. So here goes:

Connecticut Muffin. I once drove to Norwalk to
try some real Connecticut muffins, which are actually shaped like a
hexagon and contain rosemary, chocolate chips, and dried figs. I


  1. Hey its Corey the man behind the myth. Yes all of the places like Starbucks and Conn Muff have inferior coffee. I also believe they have inferior staffers as well but hey thats a matter of opinion. Most people know me as the guy who’s always gonna try and keep you coming back. If you have kids they probably know me as well. I am currently working on a way of trying to turn Mojo Cafe into a Franchised commodity. My only problem is I dont have the financial resources, but trust me im working on that so when you hear about the IPO you better get on the bandwagon

  2. I’m back. And high on caffeine. Congrats, OTBKB. You’re right…I approached Mojo with the same trepidation as George did, and came away similarly impressed. They have great coffee. They’re at least in the top three on the list now. I gave Connecticut Muffin another shot, and I think they’re headed south in the rankings.
    Heights Coffee Lounge, on Flatbush Avenue, uses Kobricks Coffee, which has improved a bit over the years, but is still not very strong or distinct tasting. Seems like a good place to hang out and surf the web.

  3. OK, OK…I’m on my way to Mojo. I’ll drink a half cup of coffee from Mojo and half cup from Connecticut Muffin. My apologies for leaving them off the list…I’ll have to make it over to Prospect Heights as well. Remember, coffee is often a matter of personal taste; many people prefer Dunkin’ Donuts coffee to the strong, locally roasted stuff at Gorilla.
    Some of my favorite coffee places are outside the neighborhood, including Atlas and Gimme Coffee in Williamsburg, Fall Cafe in Carroll Gardens, and Joe on Waverly in the Village, which has what I believe to be the best drip coffee in NYC. More later!

  4. Mojo’s was my first cup of coffee on my first (freezing) day in Park Slope. I was under no impression that it would be any good. But damn, to my surprise it was one of the best cups of Joe I have had in a long while. Shame on anyone who would leave them out.
    Doesn’t their sign say the worlds best coffee, or something like that?
    It’s almost true.

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