On Park Slope Parents, a parent I know posted about organizing a vigil for London. She expressed a desire to connect with Londoners to show solidarity and support.

Here’s what she wrote me after I e-mailed her about the vigil.

I remember reading that — was it Denmark?  or the Netherlands? — I can’t remember… sent us some tens of thousands of tulip bulbs, and that next spring, all the tulips came up all over Grand Army Plaza, and every little park in Brooklyn and Manhattan and elsewhere, reminding us that others were holding us in their hearts.

Do you remember how kind we all were to one another in those first weeks?  Do you remember how we kept our kids away from the television and yet we had to tell them about the parents of their classmates?  "Why do bad guys do that, mom?" and "Can we explain to the bad guys that everyone should watch out for each other, mom?" 

I am sure the parents in London had to do this with the IRA bombers way before innocent blind us in NYC had to think about it at all.  I just wish they could know that we are keeping them in our thoughts somehow.  I remember it meaning something to me.

Another parent wrote:

"Perhaps we can do something on Saturday for those in London, who are living through something like we lived through almost 4 years ago. I remember feeling very heartened by those from all over the world who  made a point of reaching out to us in New York."

If I hear anything more about a vigil for London in Prospect Park or elsewhere, I’ll let you know. If you know something or have ideas about ways to show our support for Londoners leave a comment here.