POSTCARD FROM THE SLOPE_The Rosa Parks of Breastfeeding

Blogland is waiting to hear from R, "the woman on the airplane," who
breastfed her 2-month old baby on the shuttle from Kennedy to
Washington, DC., two seats away from Barbara Walters.

R., who has a very high profile government/finance job in
Johannesberg, South Africa, was unable to respond to my questions
because she has a deadline to meet for the new president of the World

This is a woman of consequence.

Understandably, things are a bit hectic for R., She just got back
from a grueling trip to Washington to visit family. 36 hours plus hours
on airplanes with a 2-month old. And now work deadlines AND a baby at
home (and still breastfeeding).

This is what it means to be a working mother in the 21st century. I must say, I am a little bit awed by this woman.

R. promises to get back to me when she has a moment. Does a woman in R.’s situation ever have a moment.

R., has the respect of thousands of woman around the country who
have been logging onto OTBKB. These women belong to chat rooms like,,,,, and others, where they are "chatting" about Barbara
Walters and the woman on the airplane.

R., your public is waiting. We want to hear more from you.