POSTCARD FROM THE SLOPE_The Woman on the Plane

Breastfeedinginfo_1The woman, who breastfed her baby on an airplane near Barbara Walters surfaced in my in-box today.

A friend forwarded me an e-mail from this woman, let’s call her R., that she saw on a Washington D.C. mother’s  list serve (probably something like Park Slope Parents here in Brooklyn).

R. posted this after seeing Tuesday’s New York Times’ article about Lactivists:

Thank you for sending me the New York Times article on breastfeeding.  I believe that I was the woman on the plane.  I started my journey in Johannesburg, South Africa and flew to NY (18 hours) with my 2-month-old son.  I then switched airports to fly the shuttle to Washington, D.C. and encountered Barbara Walters on the plane.  I was three seats from her.  She made a comment about not wanting to sit near a baby which I ignored.  I breast fed during the take-off and landing to protect my baby’s ears.   He did great – did not cry at all – on all of the flights from South AFrica to DC and back. And he got to meet all four grandparents, a cousin, all of siblings and the whole neighborhood in our 2.5 week trip.   I thank everyone for supporting us about breastfeeding!

I’ve sent R. an e-mail and am hoping to interview her. I have so many questions. In my book, she is definitely having her Warholian 15 minutes of fame. On Only the Blog Knows Brooklyn, anyway.

11 thoughts on “POSTCARD FROM THE SLOPE_The Woman on the Plane”

  1. That was a LONG time spent flying, and the most someone can be upset about is the breastfeeding?!? Many babies and children, including mine, would have caused a lot more ruckus:) R., you are a wonderful mom, taking care of the needs of your baby before bystanders, and you deserve a pat on the back.
    On the up side of Barbara’s insensitive comments, it’s bringing a lot of attention to this issue that many of us have dealt with in silence for years.

  2. “who obviously has never enjoyed the beautiful relationship of breastfeeding”
    “Her daughter is adopted.”
    Oh please, could we all stop being so high-horsey? It sounds awfully pot kettle black.
    BW sounds incredibly rude and self-important, but none of this has to do with whether or not she has breastfed or been breastfed.
    Breastfeeding does not make you better than everyone else, nor does it prevent you from also being rude and self-important, nor does it exonerate you from being called on your rudeness. Show the courtesy you expect from others, put aside the elf-righteousness, and you might have a better life.
    Adoptive parents are also loving parents. Some women cannot breastfeed, and this does *not* make them less nurturing or less worthy. let’s stick to the real issue, folks.

  3. Barbara Wa Wa has never even breastfed!!! Her daughter is adopted. I think she should keep her mouth shut about things she obviously knows nothing about!!! By the by this blog has reached CA and I am sure the rest of the world so Mrs.”R” your fame has surpassed this blog by about 2,000 miles. He He He.

  4. I feel very sorry for both of these women. The mother for being publically haranged by this popular media-face and for Barbara, who obviously has never enjoyed the beautiful relationship of breastfeeding (maybe from either position).

  5. I used to wait tables at the Peninsula Hotel and waited on Barbara Walters about 10 years ago. My impression of her then was that she was rude and felt self-important. It sounds like she hasn’t changed.

  6. Once again, being a human and feeding your baby is being called out on…shame on you barbara walters, and all the other technolgy fooled people:)

  7. Christ. Two months old? Barbara Walters apparently can’t go that long without squalling and sobbing and she’s a grown woman.
    Good for you for doing the best thing without apologies.

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