Skate9659_stdYesterday we bought ice skates. Oh, and we went ice skating too. But first came the big SPLURGE at Good Footin’,
the active shoe store on Seventh Avenue near Second Street.

My sister called first thing in the morning wondering if we wanted to go ice skating, which we all thought was a perfect idea for a snow covered day. Then my daughter said,  "Mom, let’s go buy those pink velcro skates they have in the window at Good Footin’."

Now this wasn’t completely out
of the blue. We’d been talking about buying skates because
having your own skates is just so much better than renting those awful
blue skates they rent out at the rink. Awful just awful those blue
rental skates are.

We all met at the shop, which was having a BIG SALE. As my daughter tried on the skates, I decided to buy myself a pair of skates.  Then my sister, decided to
get in on the act. Suffice it to say, the three of us left the
store with NEW SKATES ready for some icy fun in Prospect Park.

what a difference good skates make. They really make the whole
experience so much better. In fact, I  felt like I was twelve
again: really light on my feet, twirly, swirly and fast. Figure eights, going backward, I was spinning and skating smoooth. 

Yours from Brooklyn,