DOT to Close Third Street Vehicle Entry & Exit to Prospect Park

Big news!  At Thursday's Community Board 6 transportation committee meeting, the DOT proposed the closing of the 3rd Street entrance/exit at Third Street. They also proposed the closing of the exit at 16th Street.

A project manager presented this plan (complete with Powerpoint of course) and said that planned closures help to strike "an appropriate balance between bikes/pedestrians/vehicles and will lower the amount of vehicular traffic in Prospect Park."

At Third Street the entrance area will be re-striped for bikers and pedestrians. To block traffic going in and out there will be French barricades, movable metal fences that are easily moved by emergency and maintenance crews.

When the Third Street entrance/exit closes, Grand Army Plaza will be the only way to enter the park drive. There is an entry/exit for Wollman Rink usage on the other side of the park.

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