The other week, I asked Pat Salmon, who works at Park Slope Copy, whether he looks at blogs. It was a coy way to bring up the subject of the Park Slope 100.  I  am frequently in the shop — but I never brought it up before. The store was too crowded or I was in too much of a rush. This time I did.

"Did you know you were in the Park Slope 100?" I asked.

"Yes I did," he said. "I got a raise because of that…just kidding."

Apparently he discovered it one day when he googled Park Slope Copy. He found the Park Slope 100, as well as the fact that someone put Park Slope Copy up for sale on eBay as a prank. He doesn’t  know who did it.

"Disgruntled employee?" I suggested. He laughed. He also told me his last name, which was omitted. "Salmon like the fish."


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