The strangest thing happened to me last night after dinner at East Hampton’s Della Femina restaurant (this was after screening of Margarete Von Trotta’s film "I Am The Other Woman at the Hamptons International Film Festival).

I had a weird allergic reaction and I have no idea what caused it. My hands and feet itched under the skin. My right eye got swollen and my nasal passages got stuffed up. I had a hard time swallowing and was generally very uncomfortable.

The itching on the palms of my hands and soles of my feet was probably the worst part of it.

Here’s what had for dinner:

A delicious three mushroom and broccoli soup with cheddar cheese

A pork chop with apple compote, celery root slaw and swiss chard

Two glasses of a French red wine

Then my hands started to itch. It got worse before it got better. I slept fitfully. Took a Claritin. Thankfully, when I woke up I felt fine. The whole thing was so mysterious.


  1. i had the same thing happen to me. i was drinking red wine and probably more than two cups, but when i woke up my palms and soles where itching… im not sure if it was the wine or not, since you drank wine maybe there is something there.

  2. Whenever I eat shrimp fried rice from a particular Chinese restaurant in my neighborhood my hands and feet itch for a few hours afterward.

  3. I have had this itching of the palms of my hands and soles of my feet, nowhere else. Ended up at ER and all they gave me was benedryl and steriod. Benedryl works after about 45 minutes, but the itching is unbareable! A co-worker mentioned to me something about it being related to a liver disfunction. Itching of the hands and feet is symptom of PBC (Primary Biliary Cirrhosis). Google this and see the description. I will be going to my doc tomorrow for a blood test.

  4. I had an allergic reaction to z-pack about a month ago. Go to the Dr. He gives me steroids. Normal! Okay well now my feet and hands itch constantly! Has this happened to anyone? Should I go back to the Dr?

  5. I have experienced itchy hands and feet twice in the past week for the first time. It happens at night. No rash. A feeling of lightheadedness, and nausea as well. The only thing common to both times is that I took a Lipitor pill and an Apo-omeprazole at the same time before going to bed. I’m wondering if this might be an allergic reaction to the combination of the meds. I’m fine with just Lipitor on its own. Anyone else heard of this?

  6. Hi,
    I am From India. I have a daughter who is 20 months old, whenever she sleeps in night she tells that her soles of hands and feet are itchy. I consulted a general physician of my native place and he gave some ointment to apply on soles and and one anti-allergy syrup. But that didn’t do much help she complains for the same problem each night before sleeping and whenever she will wake up in night.
    What could be the possible reason for thing, is she suffering any kind of allergy? People who visit us sometime offer her candies and biscuits which contain some preservatives are they causing any harm ? Although we have restricted her intake of sugar and other sweet products.
    any comment please !

  7. A few days ago my husband purchased some strawberries. I love strawberries and have never had problems, reactions to eating them. My brother when he was younger broke in hives and never touched another again. He was allergic. Now this past Spring, I’d eaten strawberries and immediately noticed difficulty swallowing. I waited a few days and tried it again having the same reaction. Hmm… So, I ate two this past Tues. That evening my feet began to itch horribly with no relief in sight – I used benadryl and the next morning I was fine. Then two days in the morning I ate two strawberries – this time by afternoon my hands and feet and arms began to itch. It got to the point I felt itchy everywhere. Mostly though the itch felt the worst on my hands and feet. I took a shower and used more moisturizer than I’ve ever used. This morning the itching began in my feet and continues. This is the worst feeling ever. I had to ask my husband to purchase liquid benadryl hope this works. I’m guessing it was the strawberries.

  8. In the 1990’s I suffered from very bad period pain and took Naprogesic and ended up with extremely severe itchy palms of my hands and soles of my feet, the itching was no where else. It went for about 12 hours non stop. I went to doctor who said I had reaction to naprogesic. I have never taken it again and have never had these symptoms again.

  9. Hi All,
    I read your comments with interest as I to have the itch on my feet and hands at night. This has been a problem for about a year now. I had all the allergy test run about two years ago and came up with nothing. At that time I was having dry itchy eyes late evening and early mornig upon awaking. The antihistamine tabs (most any allergy tab)helps when the itch accure. The post by Diane on 9/20 is the one of most interest to me as I’ve been expermenting with the alcohol angle. I drink a bit of beer and the itching will begin at bedtime almost everytime without fail, the dry eye has not occured for about a year. The only thing is I’ve drank alcohol, mostly beer, for twenty five years without any problems. Now I started thinking HOPS as I was test for everything else in beer production. Last night I had a couple Captain Morgan with Coke, you guessed it, I had the itch again. The only thing in command would be alcohol and from what I’ve read an alcohol allergy is very unlikely.

  10. Some of these reactions sound like classic allergy symptoms to me! For instance, the person who ate at a restaurant in the East Hamptons….celery was one of the items consumed. I’m so allergic to celery, I have to go to the hospital when I eat it. Many people in Europe are allergic to it. In fact, it has to be stated on labels in some countries there. Medications could be causing some reactions also. For instance, my husband and I both took Prilosec to control stomach acid. We switched to the generic Omeprazole, and both had intense allergic reactions….itching hands and feet that drove us crazy. We discontinued taking it, and the reactions promptly went away. For those of you who are experiencing itching hands or feet, make a list of what you eat, the meds you take, or things you’re exposed to that you don’t usually ingest or are exposed to. Include in the list….even things like cleaning products or fabric softener sheets for the dryer. If your itching happens again, make another list….then another. Then maybe you could narrow down the possibilities and pinpoint the problem. Good luck to all of you!

  11. Oh my! My hands itch so bad all of a sudden!!! I was at the beach today…came home…took a nap and woke up in bad seems to spread the itching wherever i touch on my body!! Should I take allergy pill?

  12. i have had itchy feet, hands and in places like elbows,buttocks, but mostly souls of feet and hands for four days now. i think it is something to do with drinking beers, ie a liver problem. Scratch scratch scratchin i think it is time to give up drinkin anything is better than scratchin

  13. Hi, I started with dry skin in between last couple of toes on right foot and some on little toe of my left, went to doctors and was given athletes foot cream which only made them more itchy and sore due to scratching and rubbing them to relieve the torment. Since then i have now developed small itchy blisters on my hands and feet, going back to the doctors now I have a steroid cream as she says it is an allergic reaction. Only thing I can think I had different was a jalapeno peppers? as I have never experienced a reaction before and haven’t a clue how to find out what caused it? Would really appreciate some advice please.

  14. I have been having this itchiness in my hand palms and feet for the last 3 days. They get so itchy that they even turn pink. Now my armpits and hair on my head get so itchy that i DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO. What can i use…..

  15. this is crazy that we all suffer from this with no direct answer… however… there is a pill… Hydroxyzine… works like a charm… I used to have to take benadryll every day… but with the hydoxyzine I take maybe every other… sometimes just once a week… it really works! hope this helps…

  16. Dear all,
    I had itching in my hands and they only occured at night and early in the morning. I went to a dermetologist who just gave me anti alergy medication. I then went to my family doctor who diagnosed it as “scabies”. they are paraside that live under the skin and they lay eggs (that are the cause of itching). so if you see bumps on your hands and then they start to itch, and after itching if they bleed like small donts, it is most likely the case with you. I was cured from this in two weeks. The medication is a cream that you apply at night and keep on for 10-14 hours for one night only, and then you repeat the same process a week later. the itching should disappear after few days from the second treatment. My itching went the first week, but I continued the treatment for the second week (to kill the life cycle of the scabies). and I am now fully cured. hope you get a cure to your itching, it is really worrying.

  17. This evening for no apparent reason, my ankles and feet began to itch slightly. Within 10 minutes, I could hardly stand it. I tried Calladryll and even a spray of alcohol to no avail. I sat on the edge of the tub and after realizing very quickly that hot water seemed to intensify the itching, I turned to cold. AAAhhhhhh! Much better.. To expedite the relief, I put my feet in a plastic dish pan (perfect foot size) filled with ice cubes and water. Although it was painfully cold, I toughed it out and within 10 minutes…VOILA! no more itching. I did have shrimp with my lunch which may have attributed to this itching episode…who knows. I’ve never had a shell fish reaction before but I guess there’s a first time for everything.

  18. Well I am sorry to say this, but I am so happy to find others who are suffering with the same thing I am. I am going out of my mind. My hands and feet itch so bad I bleed from scratching. I just left a dermatologist office and he spent two minutes with me. He said I had dry skin and dismissed me. This after I just lost two days of work because I itch so bad. My feet and hands hurt, swollen and red, and I have hives which come and go. I really dont know what to do, but I made another appointment with a different dermatologist, although it isnt until the end of September.

  19. Hi well im happy to hear im not alone with the constant night after night itching, but it seems to be getting worse. Ill itch at random times during the day. I have been getting this infrequently for about a year, but now it happens daily. Has anyone found relief or any explanation????

  20. Hey all
    This ai amazing!!. I thought I would die.
    My hands started itching at around 10:30am after I had missed my normal ten Oclock tea on a cold winter day. Instead I ate sour cream and onion crisps that I had never eaten before.
    Anyway I dont know whether the itching was caused by this but it went on for about 15 minutes. My hands were very itchy, I sratched them with my nails and they became red hot with a burning sensation!. Severe I felt, I decided to wsh them, no change I applied vasseline petrolium jelly and continue to massage them. My feet in sock and shoes started to itvh too. Nowe I prayed they dont get as worse as my hands.
    I took off my socks and shoes scratched my feet a bit scared of offsetting the itching even more. While i listened to my hands progress. I told myself this has to stop. asked my colligues about the situation , they did not take me serious. So I suffered alone, took of my fleece as I was wearing five layers of tops, trousers and tights and socks. I told myself may be I was not well ventilated. Sure enough , with socks off and one Jacket down My situation imroved . the itching stopped.
    I dont know whether to blame the layers of cothes, The chips or simply missing my cup of tea when my body needed it most.( it was very cold today)

  21. antihistamine a prescription could help reduce the itching. I had reallly itchy hands and feet as well, but my itch has seemed to slowly diminish; nevertheless I went to a dermatologist and she said that the itchness is worse at night because the body relases something called histamine which would cause an itch and antihistamine could help reduce the annoyance of an itch. She also said the itch is probally an allergic reaction and my hands and feet are no longer itchy because whatever entered my system has left. Hope this helps.

  22. I have been having itchy hands and feet for over a year, its worst at night time around 2:30 3am, it is driving me crazy, i tell my husband, any morning he is going to find two feet on the floor, with no one in them, i have dry skin on them now, were i am steady scratching them, baking soda and water helps, i tried dr scolls althelte powder, but no luck,no sure what to do, any help would be great.

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